Friday, March 16, 2007

ماذا يمكنك ان ترى في هده الصورة ؟
What do you can see in this picture ?


loza said...

I can see old woman and young boy ..the young boy's ear is the old woman's eye.. the old woman's nose is the young boy's chin.. and the old woman's mouth is the end of his neck..
really nice nedal.. drawing two things by same lines.. this's wonderful.. and not anyone can do this..

Hayam said...

i just see old woman!!!!!
how you can see all of this aya :|

Hayam said...

by the way aya if you like these things you can see my blog lol sorry nedal i take her from you ;) aya you can see picture of man in DO YOU REMEMBER subject tell me then what you see? ok ;) don't hate me nedal;)

S.Hamid said...

well ..! as Yoma told u ..!
I see Old woman ..!
what else?

loza said...

Oh my goddess... what's this Seraj& Youma... try to look..!! open your eyes.. you did shame
Ok.. I'm gonna give you easiest way to see that... you saw just old woman right.. try to look carefully for her nose, this's the young boy's chin... and the young boy who looking to the back so you can see just his ear and small part from his eye and his nose... I think now it's clear
now Nedal if they can't see both of them now.. they must be go to make glasses
and don't take care from what them said.. just Go on but I need your help Nedal, try to look for what Youma said … really I saw just man who wear glasses… this's the link
my brother saw some one on bicycle I don't know how he saw that… but maybe Youma who can tell us if this's right or wrong… but please Nedal tell me what can you see..!!ok…!! So I'm waiting your answer… :);)

Hayam said...

lol ;) you will can't see any thing hhhhh it's easy girl lol, i can't imagine you still thinking hhhhhhhhhh, maye i will tell you after nedal's answar ;)

Anonymous said...

ei!! its a testimonial for you....
monder you say??...
lets see...his really a cool guy, no a
great guy! or maybe just your typical
ordianry guy??..well na ah!..his really
simply the best! a friend you can always
count on. He loves to draw or sketch
things, or humans rather, his really good
you know, he was born for it (^_^) but
nothing beats alot of hardwork and
practist, it makes perfect!! that's all!!! for
ashi te masu!! love yah!!!

-'aya chan'-

BeeBee said...

I see a young woman, turning her face to the other direction as if she is upset...
Nice blog btw...

Hayam said...

لكل ممن لم يعرف حل لغز الصورة
هي كلمة
متهيئة في صورة رجل يبكي
i'm winner :P

Anonymous said...

old woman and young woman just all not small boy ınsıde..ı see thıs more than 2 years before

Anonymous said...

امرأة متشحة تراها بمظهر نقيض لما هي عليه في الواقع فهي تحمل براءة طفل يود أن يسعد ويمرح ويعيش على سجيته كطفل ولكنها تقولبت في إطار امرأة

لست أدري رأيك ولكن هذا ما أراه في هذه الصورة

Anonymous said...

عذرأ ولكني نسيت أن ألفت انتباهك لكونها قد اختنقت مما هي فيه وقد أشاحت بوجهها لا تود أن ترى ما يرتسم أمامها من نمط للعيش احترقت منه

Zika said...

i can see just an old woman :S
how can u guys see the young guy :)
nice one